글렌 굴드, 그 젋은 날의 초상
페이지 정보
작성자 풍월당 작성일11-08-16 18:19 조회8,093회 댓글6건관련링크
핫 이슈!! 글렌 굴드 애호가들은 절대로 놓칠 수 없는 음반
1951년부터 1960년까지 글렌 굴드의 희귀 라이브 레코딩 세계 최초 공개 (5시간분량)
이 한장의 명반 저자 안 동림 교수가 추천하는
불멸의 연주자 시리즈 VOL.2
[글렌 굴드, 그 젊은 날의 초상]
AMC2-123 [6CD를 1장 가격에]
1951년부터 1960년까지 글렌 굴드의 희귀 라이브 레코딩 세계 최초 공개(5시간분량)
바흐의 골드베르크 변주곡과 브란덴부르크 협주곡, 피아노 협주곡 등 수록
베토벤, 브람스, 베버, 쇤베르크의 피아노 협주곡 최초 공개
슘스키, 로제와 함께 한 희귀한 실내악 레코딩 포함
굴드 전기작가인 케빈 바차나가 쓴 20여 페이지에 달하는 상세한 프리뷰와 리서치 수록
BBC 뮤직 매거진 별 다섯 만점
글렌 굴드가 라이브 무대를 떠나기 전 미국과 캐나다, 유럽, 러시아 등지에서 가진 연주회 실황들을 6장의 CD로 담아낸 희귀 전집물. 어딘지 매너리즘적인 그의 스튜디오 레코딩과는 달리, 순간에의 몰입과 연주자들과의 순발력 높은 호흡을 통해 음악의 자연스러운 흐름을 살려내는 굴드의 보기 드문 순간들을 확인할 수 있다. 대부분 최초로 공개되는 음원을 포함하고 있는 이 라이브 음원 없이 굴드의 음악세계는 결코 완성되지 않는다!
[ 수록곡 ]
Glenn Gould in Concert, 1951-1960
(* = first release)
CD 1 : Bach (1:12:15)
Johann Sebastian Bach(1685-1750), Aria mit verschiedenen Veraenderungen(Goldberg Variations), BWV 988: Vancouver International Festival; Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver; July 23, 1958. (Source: CBC Radio broadcast.)*
[1] Aria (1:48)
[2] Variation 1 (0:46)
[3] Variation 2 (0:39)
[4] Variation 3, Canone all'unisuono (1:27)
[5] Variation 4 (0:45)
[6] Variation 5 (0:34)
[7] Variation 6, Canone alla seconda (0:39)
[8] Variation 7, Al tempo di giga (1:06)
[9] Variation 8 (0:49)
[10] Variation 9, Canone alla terza (1:04)
[11] Variation 10, Fughetta (0:44)
[12] Variation 11 (0:52)
[13] Variation 12, Canone alla quarta (0:55)
[14] Variation 13 (1:47)
[15] Variation 14 (1:24)
[16] Variation 15, Canone alla quinta, Andante (2:14)
[17] Variation 16, Overture (1:11)
[18] Variation 17 (0:51)
[19] Variation 18, Canone alla sesta (1:06)
[20] Variation 19 (0:44)
[21] Variation 20 (0:48)
[22] Variation 21, Canone alla settima (1:46)
[23] Variation 22, Alla breve (1:00)
[24] Variation 23 (0:53)
[25] Variation 24, Canone all'ottava (1:01)
[26] Variation 25, Adagio (4:09)
[27] Variation 26 (0:52)
[28] Variation 27, Canone alla nona (0:50)
[29] Variation 28 (0:58)
[30] Variation 29 (0:51)
[31] Variation 30, Quodibet (1:32)
[32] Aria da capo (1:56)
Bach, Clavier Concerto No.1 in D Minor, BWV 1052, with the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Georg Ludwig Jochum: Musical Academy, Stockholm; October 5, 1958. (Source: Swedish Radio broadcast.)*
[33] I, Allegro (8:14)
[34] II, Adagio (7:00)
[35] III, Allegro (8:24)
Bach, Clavier Concerto No.5 in F Minor, BWV 1056, with the CBC Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Nicholas Goldschmidt: concert on the occasion of the 11th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics; Massey Hall, Toronto; September 11, 1957. (Source: CBC Radio broadcast in the series CBC Wednesday Night)
[36] I, Allegro (3:50)
[37] II, Largo (2:54)
[38] III, Presto (3:34)
CD 2 : Bach, Haydn, Mozart (1:09:58)
Bach, Brandenburg Concerto No.5 in D Major, BWV 1050, with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Misha Mishakoff, violin, and Albert Tipton, flute, conducted by Paul Paray: Ford Auditorium, Detroit; October 13, 1960. (Source: radio broadcast.)*
[1] I, Allegro (10:19)
[2] II, Affetuoso (5:53)
[3] III, Allegro (5:15)
Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), Piano Sonata in E-flat Major, Hob.XVI:49; Vancouver International Festival; Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver; July 23, 1958. (Source: CBC Radio broadcast.)*
[4] I, Allegro (5:38)
[5] II, Adagio cantabile (7:23)
[6] III, Finale: Tempo di menuetto (4:11)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), Piano Concerto No.24 in C Minor, K.491, with the New York Philharmonic, conducted by Leonard Bernstein: Carnegie Hall, New York; April 4, 1959. (Source: Voice of America radio broadcast.)*
[7] I, Allegro (cadenza: Johann Nepomuk Hummel) (14:26)
[8] II, Larghetto (7:38)
[9] III, Allegretto (9:11)
CD 3 : Beethoven (1:10:29)
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), Piano Concerto No.2 in B-flat Major, Op.19, with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Paul Paray: Ford Auditorium, Detroit; October 13, 1960. (Source: radio broadcast.)*
[1] I, Allegro con brio (14:36)
[2] II, Adagio (8:10)
[3] III, Rondo: Molto allegro (6:06)
Beethoven, Cello Sonata No.3 in A Major, Op.69, with Leonard Rose, cello: Stratford Festival; Festival Theatre, Stratford; August 7, 1960. (Source: CBC Radio broadcast.)
[4] I, Allegro ma non tanto (8:44)
[5] II, Scherzo: Allegro molto (4:58)
[6] III, Adagio cantabile-Allegro vivace (7:59)
Beethoven, Piano Trio No.4 in D Major, Op.70/No.1("Ghost"), with Oscar Shumsky, violin, and Leonard Rose, cello: Stratford Festival; Festival Theatre, Stratford; August 7, 1960. (Source: CBC Radio broadcast.)
[7] I, Allegro vivace e con brio (5:17)
[8] II, Largo assai ed espressivo (8:52)
[9] III, Presto (5:44)
CD 4 : Beethoven, Weber (1:09:27)
Beethoven, Piano Concerto No.5 in E-flat Major, Op.73 ("Emperor"), with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Josef Krips: Kleinhans Music Hall, Buffalo; November 6, 1960. (Source: radio broadcast)**
[1] I, Allegro (20:03)
[2] II, Adagio un poco mosso (8:32)
[3] III, Rondo: Allegro (10:16)
** At the time this set was compiled, this item was unreleased. It has since been issued by Sony-see http://www.sonymusic.de/Glenn-Gould/The-Secret-Live-Tapes/P/238630
Beethoven, Piano Sonata No.30 in E Major, Op.109: probably recorded at the Vienna Festival; Mozart-Saal, Konzerthaus, Vienna; June 7, 1959. (Source: Russian radio broadcast.)
[4] I, Vivace ma non troppo (2:51)
[5] II, Prestissimo (2:15)
[6] III, Andante molto cantabile ed espressivo, Gesangvoll mit innigster Empfindung (9:57)
Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826), Concert-Stück in F Minor, Op.79, with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Ernest MacMillan: Toronto Symphony Orchestra Secondary School Concert; Massey Hall, Toronto; March 6, 1951. (Source: CBC Radio broadcast.)
[7] Larghetto affetuoso-Allegro passionato-Tempo di marcia-Presto giojoso (15:29)
CD 5 : Brahms, Schoenberg (1:04:37)
Johannes Brahms(1833-1897), Piano Concerto No.1 in D Minor, Op.15, with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Victor Feldbrill: Auditorium Concert Hall, Winnipeg; October 8, 1959. (Source: CBC Radio broadcast.)*
[1] I, Maestoso (22:20)
[2] II, Adagio (11:44)
[3] III, Rondo: Allegro non troppo (11:11)
Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951), Piano Concerto, Op.42, with the Cleveland Orchestra, conducted by Louis Lane: Severance Hall, Cleveland; November 26, 1959. (Source: radio broadcast.)* §
[4] I, Andante (4:37)
[5] II, Molto allegro (2:25)
[6] III, Adagio (6:29)
[7] IV, Giocoso (moderato) (5:47)
CD 6 : Schoenberg, Webern, Krenek (1:16:58)
Schoenberg, Drei Klavierstücke [Three Piano Pieces], Op.11: Schoenberg Memorial Concert; Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto; October 4, 1952. (Source: Gould's own private recording, Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa.)* §
[1] I, Mäßig (4:06)
[2] II, Mäßig (9:03)
[3] III, Bewegt (2:16)
Schoenberg, 15 Gedichte aus "Das Buch der hängenden Gärten" von Stefan George [15 Verses from "The Book of the Hanging Gardens" by Stefan George], Op.15, with Kerstin Meyer, mezzo-soprano: Vancouver International Festival; International Cinema, Vancouver; August 2, 1960. (Source: CBC Radio broadcast in the series Summertime.)*
[4] I, "Unterm Shutz von dichten Blättergründen..." [In the shade of thick-meshed bush and tree] (2:29)
[5] II, "Hain in diesen Paradiesen..." [Groves in blissful paradises] (1:11)
[6] III, "Als Neuling trat ich ein in dein Gehege..." [A callow youth when first I came to know you] (1:35)
[7] IV, "Da meine Lippen reglos sind und brennen..." [Now that my lips are mute with shame and burning] (1:15)
[8] V, "Saget mir auf welchem Pfade..." [Tell me then what path she takes today] (1:16)
[9] VI, "Jedem Werke bin ich fürder tot..." [Now I'm dead to duty and men's deeds] (1:02)
[10] VII, "Angst und Hoffen wechselnd sich beklemmen..." [Fear and hope in tum claw at my throat] (1:01)
[11] VIII, "Wenn ich heut nicht deinen Leib berühre..." [If today I do not touch your body] (0:48)
[12] IX, "Streng ist uns das Glück und spröde..." [Austere is our joy and stony] (1:25)
[13] X, "Das schöne Beet betracht ich mir im harren..." [My waiting eyes rest on the lovely flowerbed] (2:13)
[14] XI, "Als wir hinter dem bebl웟ten Tore..." [When we hidden behind the flowergrown gate] (2:26)
[15] XII, "Wenn sich bei heilger Ruh in tiefen Matten..." [When in blessed rest in deepslung hammocks] (1:52)
[16] XIII, "Du lehnest wider eine Silberweide..." [You lean against a silver willow] (1:32)
[17] XIV, "Sprich nicht mehr von dem Laub..." [Speak no more about the leaves] (0:39)
[18] XV, "Wir bevölkerten die abend-düstern Lauben..." [We blissfully strolled through the evening-darkling foliage] (4:36)
Schoenberg, Suite für Klavier [Suite for Piano], Op.25: Schoenberg Memorial Concert; Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto; October 4, 1952. (Source: Gould's own private recording, Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa.)* §
[19] Präludium: Rasch (0:52)
[20] Gavotte: Etwas langsam, nicht hastig-Musette: Rascher-Gavotte da capo (3:10)
[21] Intermezzo (3:43)
[22] Menuett: Moderato-Trio-Menuett da capo (3:04)
[23] Gigue: Rasch (2:11)
Anton Webern (1883-1945), Variation, Op.27: Leningrad Conservatory; May 19, 1957. (Source: Leningrad Conservatory recording.)* §
[24] I, Sehr Mäßig (1:24)
[25] II, Sehr schnell (0:33)
[26] III, Ruhig fließend (2:08)
Ernst Krenek (1900-1991), Piano Sonata No.3, Op.92/ No.4: Leningrad Conservatory; May 19, 1957. (Source: Leningrad Conservatory recording.)* §
[27] I, Allegretto piacevole, animato e flessibile (4:38)
[28] II, Theme, Canons, and Variations: Andantino-Agitato-Allegretto (6:11)
[29] III, Scherzo: Vivace ma non troppo (1:21)
[30] IV, Adagio (6:42)
§ Music in copyright; mechanical rights licensed from MCPS via IMRO (Dublin, Ireland)
2010 digital restorations by Albert Frantz
Technical note: some of the unique tapes from which this series were sourced had tiny flaws. (e.g. stretches, edge damage, splice leaks) which could not be eliminated even with state-of-the-art restoration technology.
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